Sketching the Inspiration Within Yourself
Since high school, I have always carried a sketchbook; it was something my high school teacher told us we had to do. At first it seemed daunting because I had to carry a heavy thick black covered sketchbook that seemed to weigh a ton.
We also had to complete a certain number of drawings each week. By the end of my first year, I had three sketchbooks completed, and always carried one with me. It was something that really came in handy when making my decision to study Interior Design in college. I was always trying to solve the problem given to me in a project and find the best solution possible. I was able to develop different iterations, and put my thought process on paper to have a record of it.
Don’t we all think of great ideas at the most random times and then completely forget what it was from one second to next?
I had a forty-five minute commute to school and during that time found time to think clearly and put my ideas down on paper. On my morning commute I had a fresh outlook, and what better way to spend time than thinking of productive ideas to make my project creative and punctual. To this day I still carry a sketchbook with me, which I use mostly for sketching, making lists, and schedules.
I believe it is important to have somewhere to put your ideas, thoughts and solutions to problems. Sketching is not only creative and fun, it's a great source for organizing, a release for what you’re thinking, and possibly the next million dollar idea! Perhaps it may not seem like one at the time, but you can always go back to your sketchbooks and look for the inspiration within yourself.
Vanessa Lacayo, Designer